Monday, January 25, 2010

What it takes...

Okay, by now I'm sure you all know I have a passions for motocross and love to write on it... but here's to another.
Motocross is more than a sport. It's more like a life style. It's more than hitting the gas and hoping you make it. It's more than having a good bike. Motocross is the 2nd most physically demanding sport, EVER. To make it big time, or even amateur it take much dedication. You must workout every day, eat on a controlled diet, and even ride a lot of pedal bikes or mechanical bikes. You have to have the stamina to run 3 miles to complete one "heat" race in almost any level of racing. Take into the fact of there are 2 heat races, and one main event lasting usually 5 more laps than the heat races... ALL IN ONE NIGHT! You do the math on how hard it is.. The next thing is diet. No, this does not mean that you cannot eat. I means you must watch what you eat. Try to stray from lots of fried foods and pure junk foods (cakes, etc.). Carbonated drinks don't help, so try to keep down on that. Next is that you must train for you strength every day. This includes many set of push ups, sit ups, running, lifting weights, TONS of stretching, and riding bikes (not motorcycles). Keeping a schedule for your workout is the best way to stay fit. I can tell you for experience that racing and not staying fit is one of the hardest and most painful things out there. Other than that, get out there and ride. You have to have fear, but be fearless. Don't ride over your head, and don't slip back. These can get you severely hurt and cause your career as a rider to go down the tubes... Go fast, ride safe. -720

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