Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Wow, what happened in Haiti was a crazy thing. There are countless deaths in this already terribly poor nation. Things only got worse when the aftershock came. Haiti's government put the body count at 150,000 around January 23. The devastation created serious obstacles to those attempting to deliver promised foreign aid. America is helping in many ways. They are sending money, troops, supplies, and whatever else is needed. Also, as students we can help this country get back on their feet by sending in money via text messages or even other ways on the web. (If you have a way). Already there are tons of eBay items that partial and even all the money raised will go toward helping this poor country. From what I have read and heard it has been a VERY long time since Haiti has been struck with an earthquake. Also that they couldn't have been more surprised on it hitting them. It is a very sad story to hear in my opinion. They have said that the amount of deaths in Haiti could be doubled before it is all over with. One of my mom's friends from Alabama was on a missions trip to Haiti when the earthquake first struck. She made it out okay but was stranded in Haiti for much longer than was expected.

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