Thursday, January 21, 2010


Nathan's "How to defeat pinball on Microsoft" -
This one was very cool. I hate that pinball like never ends. It just goes on and on in points. I think I got up to 100,000,000 points with Nathan's "cheat." I really liked this one..

Chase's "Uke" -
This one was one of the best. I think the Ukulele is a interresting instrument and I love the sound of it. So his story kept my attention. I really like the video of the fat guy. He was cool and was a beast on the Uke.. I watch that video a lot now.

Laura's "Cash Security Thread Removal" -
I must say I never knew that it was a thread. I always just thought it was something printed on the inside of the dollar. What's even cooler is that the thread comes out! I'm scared to spend something without it though, lol.

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