Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Wow, what happened in Haiti was a crazy thing. There are countless deaths in this already terribly poor nation. Things only got worse when the aftershock came. Haiti's government put the body count at 150,000 around January 23. The devastation created serious obstacles to those attempting to deliver promised foreign aid. America is helping in many ways. They are sending money, troops, supplies, and whatever else is needed. Also, as students we can help this country get back on their feet by sending in money via text messages or even other ways on the web. (If you have a way). Already there are tons of eBay items that partial and even all the money raised will go toward helping this poor country. From what I have read and heard it has been a VERY long time since Haiti has been struck with an earthquake. Also that they couldn't have been more surprised on it hitting them. It is a very sad story to hear in my opinion. They have said that the amount of deaths in Haiti could be doubled before it is all over with. One of my mom's friends from Alabama was on a missions trip to Haiti when the earthquake first struck. She made it out okay but was stranded in Haiti for much longer than was expected.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What it takes...

Okay, by now I'm sure you all know I have a passions for motocross and love to write on it... but here's to another.
Motocross is more than a sport. It's more like a life style. It's more than hitting the gas and hoping you make it. It's more than having a good bike. Motocross is the 2nd most physically demanding sport, EVER. To make it big time, or even amateur it take much dedication. You must workout every day, eat on a controlled diet, and even ride a lot of pedal bikes or mechanical bikes. You have to have the stamina to run 3 miles to complete one "heat" race in almost any level of racing. Take into the fact of there are 2 heat races, and one main event lasting usually 5 more laps than the heat races... ALL IN ONE NIGHT! You do the math on how hard it is.. The next thing is diet. No, this does not mean that you cannot eat. I means you must watch what you eat. Try to stray from lots of fried foods and pure junk foods (cakes, etc.). Carbonated drinks don't help, so try to keep down on that. Next is that you must train for you strength every day. This includes many set of push ups, sit ups, running, lifting weights, TONS of stretching, and riding bikes (not motorcycles). Keeping a schedule for your workout is the best way to stay fit. I can tell you for experience that racing and not staying fit is one of the hardest and most painful things out there. Other than that, get out there and ride. You have to have fear, but be fearless. Don't ride over your head, and don't slip back. These can get you severely hurt and cause your career as a rider to go down the tubes... Go fast, ride safe. -720

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Nathan's "How to defeat pinball on Microsoft" -
This one was very cool. I hate that pinball like never ends. It just goes on and on in points. I think I got up to 100,000,000 points with Nathan's "cheat." I really liked this one..

Chase's "Uke" -
This one was one of the best. I think the Ukulele is a interresting instrument and I love the sound of it. So his story kept my attention. I really like the video of the fat guy. He was cool and was a beast on the Uke.. I watch that video a lot now.

Laura's "Cash Security Thread Removal" -
I must say I never knew that it was a thread. I always just thought it was something printed on the inside of the dollar. What's even cooler is that the thread comes out! I'm scared to spend something without it though, lol.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


1.Zachary High; Zachary, LA
They have a lot of their sports items in the paper.

2.Thomas Jefferson High School; Dallas, TX
The Reveille

3.George Washington High School; Danville, VA
The Chatter Box

4.Greenville High School; Greenville, TX
Lion Ledger

5.St. Francis High School; Wheaton, IL
Spartan Weekly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

BLOG ASSIGNMENT #99975872435925

Well, considering blogs aren't my favorite thing. This is kind of hard. Autobiography is a cool one. It wasn't too bad because it brings back old memories. I wrote way more than I ever thought I would. It really brought back when I lived in Alabama, which was the best. It made me miss it though.
Smilebox is my next favorite.It was cool that mine made it into a school newsletter. I became famous!! NOT. But really this one wasn't too bad. I kind of liked looking for pictures and such.
Ed Heads is my number 3 pick. It was kind of gross. But it was fun too. I liked the ones that let you actually do stuff. The part I didn't like was when you had to wait for it to give instructions.
My LEAST favorite blog assignments are the 50 newspaper idea ones. I've kind of gotten used to them now, but they still aren't very fun. I can never think of anyyything. I started just posting random words!!!!!!!