Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To start out, this year has been somewhat crazy in Journalism class..but without the seniors it would have been NOTHING.
Chase is a different dude for sure. He loves himself some music. If you ever need to know some good music, he's your go-to guy. He also likes to play baseball and just chill out with his friends. Without him in the class I think that I speak for all of us when I say, we probably would have laughed 95% less than what we did. His drawings for the paper and our t-shirts are pretty killer aswell.
Oh then there is Nathan. He's definitely the #1 contributer to the BCS Lion's Roar. He always (usually) has his stories in on time, better yet, EARLY. And his letters from the editor are always great. You can always expect to laugh at his stories, because they are highly entertaining. You can normally catch him kickin' it all the baseball field taking pictures, or chilling with friends and catching all the ladies.
Lakeisha, oh Lakeisha. She's a pretty crazy chick. She's always up on facebook. She likes to sing and write, which is pretty legit if you ask me. Aswell, she also writes the "Kidz Korner" and handles it well. She always has something pretty cool for the younguns. Me and her argue a lot, jokingly of course!
Chelsey, where do I start.. I never even really said anything to you until you came to this class. You're pretty cool though, which I never knew. My guess is that you like to hangout with ya man, and friends as well. Plus you work a whole lot. You hated playing any of the games, and/or doing work, lol. But it's all good, you weren't really in "Journalism" but we count you as one of the team.
Sarah, you crazy. I started getting to know you in Art class this year, but when you moved into Journalism I got to know you even better. You like to do whatever, you're chill just doing something (other than working:]). You have a huge imagination which makes you a great writer. You're always nice, no matter how much people bug you with their junk.
Tina, you're pretty cool. I remember you used to be in my class, but you jumped up on us all. Which is cool by me. I got one thing to say to you... yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow ... NO PATTERN FOR YOU!
Bria, I don't know you a whole lot. What I do know is that you really have a passion for the hurting people, and you like to write about it. For example, the people involved in the earthquake, and some of the other happenings that were recent.. Aswell, I hope that they catch the person who hurt your puppy, Sorry.
ALL of the senior played a big role in this class. I hope that all of you go on and make it big in life. And that you all are successful through college. You will all be missed so very much.

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