Friday, April 23, 2010


Who? Fordham University baseball player
What? Flipped over the catcher to score
When? April 22, 2010
Where? The baseball field
Why? To score!
How? He leaped over while rotating

Who? Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What? Tiny water purifier
When? April 20, 2010
Where? Massachusetts
Why? To purify water!
How? A very small electronic chip

Who? Two 8 year old boys
What? Saved a drowning man at the beach in Australia
When? January 28, 2010
Where? Australia
Why? To save his life
How? By knowing what to do in this situation, they were in lifeguard training classes.

What? An eruption of the suns surface fire
When? April 21, 2010
Where? Space, duhhh
Why? Clouds "hit" the surface and cause it
How? Natural happenings

Who? Fish!
What? Some new species of fish
When? 2010 survey
Where? Greenland
Why? Cause it's awesome
How? They surveyed and found them

Who? Island Gray Fox
What? Reaching extinction
When? NOW
Where? California's Channel Islands
Why? Because they are very rare
How? They are so small that even birds will grab them, causing there to be a very small number of survivors

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