Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last assignment of the '09-'10...

Well this one is kinda cool. It applies mainly to iPhone users because we all know they break extremely easy. So if your screen is cracked.. Take a look at this.

Everyone loves free ringtones. As for the iPhone, well they're hard to freely obtain. They charge $1.00 for the song usually and another $0.99 to convert it to a ringtone. This eHow may be time consuming but if you really like ringtones, it's for you.

Ahh, the sound of a turbo BOV (blow-off valve) is like music to a car lovers ears.. but the task of installing one and tuning it is a car lovers nightmare. This is just an entrance into the turbo world, but it gets you started.

All I can do is laugh at this one. My neighbors don't usually do this to my yard. But if they ever do this is exactly what's going to happen. Hopefully it is still moist when I launch it on their roof.

This one is mainly for all those sissys who don't know how to hit the gas. One thing I can't have fun doing is sitting in an tube behind a boat going 10MPH. Step up and be a man, floor it. Cause that's when the fun begins.

Some people just don't know anything at all.. Like how to check the oil. In driver's education classes, they show you how to check tire pressure and other various things on the car. I never remember them once popping the hood to check the oil. In my opinion.. If you can't check the oil, don't drive a car. Please, for the sake of the poor vehicle. CHECK THE OIL.

Who thinks of this? I mean really, WHO? The fart machine may bring many histerical laughs, so be warned. This ones kinda dumb, because the remote controlled ones are more to play tricks than this, but I'll probably end up trying it one day.

This ones cool.. Mainly because I can actually do it. I see a bunch of ignoramous unskilled biker noobs try this all the time. Most fail, but it brings a good laugh.

Alright Mrs. Melancon, I know I shouldn't do it. But it's SO much fun, haha. We all know it looks cool and feels awesome to do these, so go behind wal-mart and try it already.

In drag racing the time is all that matters. These are some pretty good tips to cheaply pull your times down at a significant rate. The slightest bit can change a time in ways you would have never thought of.

For the newspaper students of next year. Here are some tips included to pass and obtain a great grade in this difficult journey through Journalism. I honest;y had a huge blast in this class this past year, and I hope to still be a part of the NP staff next year as well.(JK about the difficult part;])...
You may notice that there are many blog assignments. In my opinion, these are one of the dreaded parts. It's never fun having to type about something you don't know about. So when you go to do it, research your topic a bit, in the end it jsut makes it easier to write on and definitely makes it go faster.
For 50 newspaper ideas the steps are simple and easy. Write 50 ideas. In my case, I just wrote 48 one word things after I wrote my 2 that actually could be written about. When the day comes where we sit in a circle and share, just come up with a few legit ones to get by. JK again, do them right. ;)
If I was the editor of the newspaper, I would be Nathan, haha. Or for next year, Danielle. But really I think I would actually spend more time trying to writer better because everyone looks up to the writings of the editor. That's how everything in life is.
This summer should be a good time. This Friday I leave for Washington D.C. and am not that stoked about it. 34 hours of driving in the car does not sound fun to me at all. But on the real I'm excited to finally go somewhere different for a vacation. I should be going to a lot of the museums while I'm there. Other than that I plan to go to the beach 4 or 5 times and make a lot of fishing trips with my dad as well as Caleb I'm sure. I'm looking forward to just spending a lot of time with all my friends and livin' it up.

Thanks Mrs. Melancon!


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