Friday, October 16, 2009

ZHS Baseball Rap

This ones pretty old, but still a cool video. It's deffinately not good quality. I bet you'll get a good laugh though.

Building the Go-Kart (High School Senior Project Video)

I like this one mainly because it envolves motors. Some seniors built this go-cart for a school project and got video of the whole build. It's built fully from scratch. Check it out!

Hovercraft homemade - High-school Project - Full Video

Woahh, that's tight. I'd love to have one of these to play with. Someone from Bethany should build one. Watch the video, there isn't much to it.

Crazy high school physics project video with guns and lightsabers

It's stupid. But it's funny. It's about physics but is supposed to be a movie trailer. Some lines from a lot of random movies are in here.

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