Monday, October 12, 2009


B&N is a pretty cool place to go. Whether you like to read or you just have nothing better to do, it's a pretty interesting place to go. They have books of all sorts. Some you may need for school, some you may just want to read, and even some that are hilarious. They have a lot of items for your house or your office. An example would be a giant watch that sits as a clock. As I saw over the weekend. The kids section is pretty cool. They have padded seats and all kinds of crazy books. As for the adult side of the store, they have everything divided by genre, magazines, and music. They also have the cafe which serves coffee, other beverages, and small snacks such as cookies and brownies. The books take up a huge portion of the store. There are THOUSANDS of different books to choose from. Even if you are like me and don't like to read you can even find a book for you. The magazine section is also fairly large, they have just about every magazine in print. Anything from gun magazines to snake magazines. The magazine section is tile and has a lighter setting. The music section of the store is my favorite. They have places to try out the music and listen to it before you decide to buy it On top of all that, this place is huge! It has a really comfortable quiet setting. With chairs and couches to sit and read. And the cafe to top it off. You should try going!