Friday, April 23, 2010


Who? Fordham University baseball player
What? Flipped over the catcher to score
When? April 22, 2010
Where? The baseball field
Why? To score!
How? He leaped over while rotating

Who? Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What? Tiny water purifier
When? April 20, 2010
Where? Massachusetts
Why? To purify water!
How? A very small electronic chip

Who? Two 8 year old boys
What? Saved a drowning man at the beach in Australia
When? January 28, 2010
Where? Australia
Why? To save his life
How? By knowing what to do in this situation, they were in lifeguard training classes.

What? An eruption of the suns surface fire
When? April 21, 2010
Where? Space, duhhh
Why? Clouds "hit" the surface and cause it
How? Natural happenings

Who? Fish!
What? Some new species of fish
When? 2010 survey
Where? Greenland
Why? Cause it's awesome
How? They surveyed and found them

Who? Island Gray Fox
What? Reaching extinction
When? NOW
Where? California's Channel Islands
Why? Because they are very rare
How? They are so small that even birds will grab them, causing there to be a very small number of survivors

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ahh, my year in Journalism

This school year is coming to an end quicker than my past years at Bethany. this year has been pretty fun, but has also had some pretty sucky moments. I don't think I could cover the whole year in 5 paragraphs, but I shall try!
When it started I was somewhat nervous about Journalism.. I didn't like to write, nor did I like to research. The first paper we began to plan got me a lil more interested than I thought I would get... All because of being able to write on Motocross. After this, it only got better.....
Part way through the year we began writing lots and lots of blog assignments.. These were some of the sucky times in this class. 50 newspaper ideas was another one, which nobody liked at all. Although it did help us in our writing. Weather we want to admit it or not.
In this class we had many hilarious moments. Chase and Nathan are the main reason for the majority of them. As well as the moments behind the scenes. We also had many hilarious moments in the paper. That's Crazy! had a lot of them as well as everyone elses storys and parts of the paper. Just today we had one of the funniest of them all... You shall see it in the next paper. (Hopefully)
As the year is coming to a close it makes me somewhat sad.. The newspaper as well as the school will be losing some great people. A few of which kept us laughing all of the time. Along with that is Nathan, our editor and chief of the paper for the past 2 years. He has wrote some very good letters from the editor for the paper. They will all be greatly missed by all of the members of the BCS Lion's Roar Newspaper staff. Hopefully next year we will still have a paper so I can be in Ms. Melancon's class again. She's probably the best teacher ever. To end I would like to say goodluck to all of the seniors that will be leaving.. Stay close to God and I'm sure you will succeed.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I have never been to the Rural Life Museum before but after some research I have found some good information on it. The facility is very large and includes a large number of things to see. I will mention a few of the items.
The Flat Boat. The Flat Boat is like a small boat that is flat and able to float with a load of weight. It was built in 1830. When the house was built the Flat Boat was built as well. It is held in a barn and is on rollers so that if a flood came the family could quickly board it, along with the animals they may have owned.
The next thing is the "Kitchen Garden". This was a small fenced in garden near the kitchen of and old house. It is not to be confused with the large fields that they used for farming real crops. They were packed full of a mixture of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and many other small plants.
Schooling in the 1800s was a mixture of things. The richer chillllren got to be personally tutored. The middle class chillllren went to an academy. And the not so fortunate went to public schools.
The log cabin. The log cabin was built in the 1800s by a 1600s design. They were not very big but they could easily be very pretty. They were made of all wood. Some of their features may be old school. But I'm sure they will still be pretty fancy. Log cabins also happen to be my favorite type of house.
This is not all of the items to view at the Rural Life Museum so get to moving and take a trip to there. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking you will not regret it