Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Summer is here and ice cream is near.

Summer is just around the corner and when it is we all know we like some cold and tasty treats. Although there are many to choose from including: Sno Cones, Popsicles, Shebert and even Italian Ice. Amongst all of these choices none are the greatest. The most popular is actually Ice Cream. There are many different ice creams shops and they all have some very crazy and individual flavors. Although there are so many to choose from, the top ten are not too out of this world. There are so many different flavors that are around. Some of which have names that are not appropriate at all. Now there is not an actual top ten list for the craziest flavors but a few are; Corn and cheese (Asian). Olive Oil (Italian). Meal Mix Up, which is composed of mashed potatoes, cheese, gravy, sausage, and peas. One thing we will never know is how we come to think of these crazy flavors, and also how we decide which flavor is our personal favorite. All I'm sure of is that ice cream is a great treat for those hot summer days that are coming up. Followed are the top 10 Ice Cream flavors of all time along with the top 10 craziest flavors.
1) Chocolate
2) Vanilla (My personal favorite)
3) Cookies N Cream
4) Cookie Dough
5) Mint
6) Strawberry
7) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
8) Rocky Road
9) Pistachio
10) Lemon

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