Thursday, February 25, 2010

All the President's Men

In the movie "All the President's Men" Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein worked for the Washington Post. They found something fishy in the election of Nixon. Now I'm not super sure on some of the details but they were trying s to uncover some sort of illegal White House spending, along with some break-ins and also some spying on the other party. I'm not too sure on why they were spying, but my guess is to be that they were just trying to get any information they could. "Woodstein" worked extremely hard to find information and facts on this scandal. They went straight to the source of every single lead they had gotten. Even going through a whole list of names to try and find some stuff out. They must have used 20 tanks of gas trying to drive and pick up facts from people. Carl even went in the early hours of the morning to meet with a guy they called "Deep Throat" and picked up a lot of facts. They also had to be extremly careful because they had many buggers out trying to spy on them. Even though they were doubted a whole bunch in the end all their hard work payed off. They solved the mystery. I thought the movie was really good.

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