Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm Semaj Drawde Lieh. I was born in Atlana, Georgia and I'm now 16 years old. My parnets are way older than me, and I have 2 older sisters. One is 24 years old and the other is 30 years old. I lived in Cartersville, Georgia until I was just under 2 years old. While I lived there we owned a 2 story house that had a pool and a big back yard. The back yard backed up to a huge pastue.
My dad then got a huge job offer and I moved to Cullman, Alabama and lived in a HUGE 3 story house with a huge backyard on a hill, that backed up to a creek (many stories about that creek...). I lived there from when I was 2 until I was 8 years old (I think?). While living in Alabama I went to Conerstone Christian School until the 3rd grade. I was going to Trinity Baptist Church which was a really small tradtional church, even though we weren't a traditional Christian family. After the last year at Conerstone...I started attending East Elementary, which was right down the street from my house. I went to school there for 2 years, and rode my bike to school on the many nice days we had. When I did'nt ride my bike I rode to school with my best friend Matthew whom I met when I was 2.
Those 2 years are the years I remember most about my past. I had tons of fun with my friends in the neighborhood and my friends from school. Also, in those 2 years I started attending Decatur Baptist Church in Decatur, AL. The church ran around 900 on a bad day.. And now they run almost 2,000 on a good day. Also while I was in Alabama my oldest sister got married to one of the coolest guys around. They still live there with my neice that's just under 6 months old and my brother-in-law is a fire fighter and parmedic. My sister is a paralegal.. Whatever that is...
I now live in Louisiana and have a pretty good younger and teen life here. I got to BCS and attend Life's Journey Church. My brother-in-law is the pastor there and married my younger older sister. It's pretty cool. They live with me and my parents right now because they just moved here from Dallas, TX. My nephew also lives with me, who is one and a half and I love him to death. Now I like to just hangout and race motocross. I'm definitely thankful for what all God has done in my life.

Yeppp. That's about it..

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