Tuesday, September 29, 2009

P-Rowe's New Policy

Where do they want us to hang out now? Not at Perkins Rowe, that’s for sure. The owners and managers at Perkins Rowe have come up with a new rules of conduct policy for teenagers and young adults. They have posted signs and are handing out little cards with the list of the new rules. They range anywhere from how they expect you to act all the way to what time you MUST leave if you're under 17. Most of the rules came into play because of some trouble breaking out a month or so earlier. I think the new policy is a bit rediculous if you ask me. Not everyone is trying to go out and cause trouble. I do agree that they ones causing trouble should be kicked out either permanently or for a set period of time. Depending on the offence. They claim they are only making these new rules because the facility is meant for adults and young adults. If you look at the stats and ratings, teenagers are the only reason they haven't shut down yet. As of now they have not even fully payed of the building costs. If they make teenagers stop coming because of their rediculous rules. In the long run they will be regreting it, BIG TIME.

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