Tuesday, August 11, 2009


1. What is TWITTER?
TWITTER is a website to connect with your friends, inform your friends with plans... Bands may also do this to get the word for shows/concerts.

2. Who uses it?
Many people use it! People of all ages connect on there.. Bands also give out there thoughts and what's happenin'.

3. Why do you think they use it?
They are attracted to updating!

4. Why is it important? (or do you even think it's important)
In some ways it is, you can let everyone know what's up. Be careful what you say though...

5. Who are some interesting people that use twitter?
Band members, Professional Athletes, etc.

6. What is your take on the whole "twitter" phenomenon sweeping across the nation?
Honestly, I don't have one. I don't think it's a bad thing though.