Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

ohhhh bama

Man oh man. President Obama the "Big Man." He is the 44th president of the United states. He is the first president to be born in Hawaii. As well as the first president to be African-American.

Before Obama was big in fame, people called him "Barry" (untill college). He was involved in his local high schools basketball team and could aslo speak Indonesian at a normal level. Later on in his younger life he was working at a law firm when he met Michelle. She initially rejected him. Later they started dating, got engaged and later married.. He has two daughters, Malia, 11, and Sasha, 8.

He claims he is Christian (which I wouldn't question), and got his religious veiws in his adult life. He was raised in a non-religious home. His mother was raised in a "non-religious" home. His father was raised as a Muslim and claimed Atheist before his parents met... Obama was baptised in the "Trinity United Church of Christ" in 1988 and was a steady member there for 2 decades

Obama attended law school and became the first African—American president of the "Harvard Law Review". When he graduated he went back to Chicago to help teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago.

In the recent days Obama and his family have been living it up in the White House. He has been passing laws/bills left and right, and TRYING to make the USA a better place... Other than this he just travels and try to spend time with his wife and two kids.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Super Car

How would it feel zooming across the earth's surface at speeds up to 260mph?
Very crazy, I would say. The forces when this happens are extremely high. It takes a lot of force to keep a car on the ground going that fast. Car designers have spent countless hours designing these cars to be pushed to the limit. Engineers also spend countless hours designing the motors that can push these cars to reach those rediculous speeds. For example, the SSC Ultimate Aero has a top speed of 257mph. A 0-60mph time of 2.7 seconds. It has a Twin-Turbo V8 Engine with 1183 hp to push it to that those speeds. Along with this the car has un-countable air flow vents to fan the motor and keep the car on the road. Although this car the "SSC Ultimate Aero" is super nice and has a gnarly motor, it also has a starting price of $654,400... I think I may be sticking with my Hyundai Tiburon... for now.